How to Involve Your Friends in the Wedding

Sedan San Diego Services
Your friends couldn’t be happier seeing that big engagement ring on your finger. But at the same time, it will remind them of their single status, their dead-end jobs and their financial hardships. Although not all women want marriage and kids, most women do. They have been dreaming about their perfect day since they were young. Seeing all that coming true for someone one else can be a bit heartbreaking. They may also feel that you would no longer have the time for their boyfriend issues or might stay out till late drinking.  But there are many ways to tell them that things won’t change and their friendship won’t be affected. How? Read on to find out.

Plan a spa day:

You can always take out the time for some relaxation over the weekend. This little retreat can actually serve as a great gesture to bond with and remind your friends that although you are getting married, you still cherish the bond you all share. Need a ride? Our sedan San Diego services will get you there.

Go shopping with them:

If you can’t make out the time for a spa day, invite them to go bridal shopping with you. Just search some good Car Service Near Me on Google and book San Diego car services. Who knows you might even end up buying something much better than you had imagined.

Meet up for lunch:

Another great option involves organizing a meet up over a brunch or a lunch. But don’t make it all about your wedding. Ask them about what is going on in their lives, so that they don’t feel like the whole world just revolves around you. True, you may feel like the happiest person on earth but no need to rub it in everyone’s face. Our Black Car Service will gladly be your partner in driving you there in style.

Have a slumber party:

And if any of that is not possible, just enjoy some bonding time doing each other’s nails or watching a rom-com together at your house in a slumber party over the weekend. Ask them for advice and referrals so that you can get some discounts or good deals in return, but keep the wedding topic subtle.



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